November 8, 2011

September 4, 2011

Who..What.. ?

Forgot who this is?
You're forgiven. 
I'm bad at blogging. Seriously.
I am.
Is it just me or are my weekends during the school year a trillion times more fun?
I hardly did anything exciting in the summer as I do now.
Last day of summer = Boating.
First weekend of school = Boating & watching shows in the basement being hyper.
Second weekend of school = Shaving cream fight, hike Bridal Veil Falls, go to a movie that makes you laugh pretty good & possibly sliding rock.
(The movie wasn't supposed to be funny...)
Third weekend of school = ?
I'm pretty sure it will legitimately awesome.

August 14, 2011

August 13, 2011


Mighty big number isn't it?

You probably don't know this but this is my 70th post. 
(and you probably don't care.. :P)

I don't really have a special thing to share with you like most people do when they reach a big post number.

Maybe for my 100th. Cause that's obviously a big deal.

Here's a big thing to share. 

I work today. At 4:30. Hawaiian Snow. 
Come visit me.
(I would love you like none other.)

August 11, 2011

August 8, 2011

Please come back

I wish you knew how much I loved you. 
I would be there everyday you came by.
But then you left me for the summer.
I still watch you when I get bored.
I'm not a creeper or a stalker by all means. 
I hope you know that.
I'm really not trying to scare you.
That's the last thing I would want to do to you.
But I'll be waiting on my couch for you an hour early.
Just so I make sure I don't miss you.

I'll be there September 15 and 23rd.
Will you?

(Hint: There's two of them.)
(Hint: It's not a person.)

August 6, 2011


Blogger not letting me post comments?
Truly sad here. 
(Anyone else having this problem?)